Hi, I’m Katryna.

I accidentally became a marketer—and am now the Content Director at User Interviews, where I help teams discover and embrace user insights through UX research.

Before User Interviews, I was at the helm of Content at Appcues. Professional experience includes B2B SaaS, B2C/C2C, and travel.

Unprofessional experience includes my highly practical M.A. in Medieval History and a B.Sc. in Wildlife Conversation.

I pet street cats, bake a mean chocolate tart, make a mediocre cup of coffee, and will always choose Cher’s “Believe” for my karaoke solo.

Hobbies include: buying but never using cookbooks, painstakingly organizing my browser bookmarks, and not closing drawers all the way.

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B2B • B2C • SaaS • UX • Travel


Flattering things people have said about me

“Katryna was my editor and main point of contact during my time as a freelance writer for the Appcues blog. She was one of the best editors I’ve ever worked with: organized, creative, and supportive. Her briefs were incredibly easy to understand and she always gave helpful, constructive writing feedback.

She instinctively understands what kind of content performs well and resonates with her audience, while also giving writers the freedom to add their own twist. Anyone would be lucky to work with Katryna.”

— Emily Esposito Fulkerson, Content at Stripe

“Katryna is a one-woman content virtuoso. She has keen strategic instincts, unparalleled editing skills, and a sharp wit to boot. I’m continually impressed by her standards, output, and work ethic, but beyond all that business-y stuff, Katryna is a joy to be around. She genuinely cares about the people she works with, and she’s always down to share a good belly laugh. I’m so grateful I’ve had the opportunity to work beside her.”

— Meryl Ayres, Sr. Video Producer at Appcues

“This draft is *chef’s kiss.* Totally excellent and just what I had in mind. I don’t have any feedback other than you are a wizard.”

— Kristen Hillery, Sr. Content Manager at OpenView

Get in touch.

Interested in working with me? Need kdrama recommendations? Desperately seeking fluffy cat photos?

Let me know!